Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Eve

I don't know this guy, but I liked his glasses!

AH, the love!

Rowdy, Caroline, Diana, Chris, Damien

Happy New Year!

We met up with Chris, Caroline, and Diana(Caroline's aunt) at the Black Rose, downtown, to ring in the New Year. This was the first time I've been on the east coast time zone to celebrate. Of course the night had it's share of interesting moments, such as people passing out(not me, Damien or Rowdy), puking(not me, Damien or Rowdy), loosing things(Damien), loosing people(Damien), etc, but all in all, it was a great night( even if it was snowing and sleeting). The subway stations stayed open longer for New Years, so we made it there right on time to catch the last train and got home just before 3am to ring in the New Year with Scot and Becky via phone in LA. We were POOPED!


ME said...

Great glasses! I still have my 2000 ones!

Sally Y said...

they were fun!