Friday, January 13, 2006


When I was woken early this morning and got out of bed, things were already going wrong and I hadn't even had breakfast!!! At that point, all I really wanted to do was break MOST of my resolutions!!!! Then I realized, as I was checking my calendar, that it's FRIDAY THE 13th!!!! AH HA! That explains it! (well to my superstitious ass anyway)! Nothing good ever happens to me on this day(some people might even call it a CURSE), so I've decided not to take any chances out in the big bad world. I'm gonna stick my butt at home, look for more jobs, polish my resume, and finish reading my book.

1 comment:

Sally Y said...

I got Friday the 13th by the sack! HAA HAA! A few more things did happen but I'll blog about it! Other than that, I'm still ALIVE! ;)