Thursday, August 25, 2005


Alright....i haven't done a good job of keeping up but I'll do my best from now on. I can't promise pictures yet because my laptop has a virus and my desktop sucks!

We've finally settled in Boston...well...actually Arlington, which is about 20 minutes from the downtown and a bit longer if you take public transit. I love the public transit though! I never knew what I was missin! I've only driven a couple of times this month.

I had 2 friends visit so far this summer. Melissa in July and Keelee in Aug. We had a great time. It gave me the excuse to tour the city and figure out where I was going! There is so much to do here, but it can get alittle expensive. That's why I'll do a lot of things when I have visitors. We will have our next visitor in Oct. I'll go into more detail when I figure this blog thing out. My friend Keelee set it up for me before I left Cheyenne. Hopefully I'll be caught up soon.

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