Friday, October 14, 2005


I have extended my stay in MO for a few more days. I'm scheduled to leave on the 21st now because I wanted to be there for my mother's follow-up CT scan. She's doing better everyday!

I just wanted to say thanks to all my wonderful friends and family for all the birthday wishes. It means a great deal to me! I wasn't much in the mood to celebrate but it turned out to be one of the best birthdays I've ever had, even if I am 31!

I met up with my friend Hollie for an hour or so in the afternoon and then I went out with Nicole and a few other friends last night. We had a pretty good time. It was nice to get out, have a couple cocktails and talk about useless stuff! Other than that, I'm holding up much better than before!

I can't wait to go back to Boston and enjoy the beautiful fall they are suppose to have although the weather in MO is nice and warm! Rowdy's Uncle Mike is coming for a visit on the 21st, the same day I get back, and I know we're gonna have a good time!

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