Monday, May 07, 2007

Mike's Visit

Poker night w/ Rowdy's co-workers and Liam
After some wine!

Red Sox vs Oakland A's. Rowdy was pretty daring wearing his A's cap!
The Burren
Diva Lounge
Mike and a few of his co-workers came into town on a TDY last week, so we hit the city hard!! I don't know where these guys get their energy or stomach for alcohol consumption! It was fun, but I'm STILL exhausted!! Luckily I was able to stay in a couple nights because of the Red Sox/Oakland Series. Rowdy and Mike went to both games. Anyway, it was great to see Mike and I'm glad he made it home in one piece!

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

Look how long your hair is girl!!! Looks like fun in beantown.