Monday, September 03, 2007

Quick Update

I've been forgetting to take my camera with me lately, so my blog will be boring! Sorry!

Other than work, we've been spending time with our Boston friends, catching up on phone calls and of course, Rowdy's been watching football. I've officially lost control of the big screen until Superbowl!!

Rowdy also traveled to Florida for work and got to spend some time with James, Susan and my one of my best buds, Claudia, the previous week and weekend(no pics, of course)!

We had a relaxing Labor Day weekend, grilling out with friends. The weather was superb, but I'm not looking forward to the cold!!!!

Rowdy leaves again tomorrow for a work trip to Vegas. I was going to go, but planned another trip instead(more about that later). His mom and sister will be visiting him from Tucson though, so I know he's excited to see them.

That's all I have for now, but will make an effort to blog more regularly!

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

Hey Sally! Sorry to hear you have to give up so many yummy things...we all should probably give up sweets and such but I can only imagine how difficult it is. Good luck!!

Have a great time visiting Sam!!