Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pass the Cheese, PLEASE!!

James, Muah, Kristen, Emily and Katie and Rowdy above! Fri night we went to Kristen and Katie's house for a wine and cheese gathering with friends. I've come to the conclusion that... Wine + Wine + Wine - Cheese = Major hangover headache and no more pictures too put on blog! Sorry!

The rest of my weekend was shot, but Rowdy went to his friend Bill's house Sat night to play poker and won $50 Bucks!

Oh yeah, we're also flying to Kansas City on Thurs for the weekend, to visit friends and my brother Dan!

That's all I have to update for now! Have a great weekend ALL!

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

Have fun in MO!! Glad to see you've updated...don't worry about being a slacker...it happens sometimes. :) I know what that's like!