Saturday, December 31, 2005

Final Resolution List-2006!

I've decided that 2006 will be the year for me to work on my inner, as well as, outer strength! I definitely need a good system cleansing!

1. Get back into shape. Work out atleast 3 days a week.
2. Remember to take my vitamins every day.
3. Eat healthier foods and force myself to drink milk.
4. Drink as little alcohol as possible.
5. Read more books and brush up on my Farsi.
6. Stress less and stop sweatin' the small stuff.
7. Stop dealing with other people's problems and worry about my own!
8. Stop obsessing over things I can't control and just go with the flow.
9. Be a nicer more accepting and forgiving person.

10. The most important resolution of all....Stop that nasty habit that I've been wanting to stop for what seems like an eternity, even if I don't do it all the time! I want my life back so I'm FILTERING you out of my life, once and for ALL!

Warning: I apologize in advance if this resolution affects resolutions 6,8, and 9 at the beginning. I am only human! Thanks for your understanding! :)

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