Thursday, September 22, 2005


Rowdy wanted me to sit down and watch the recap and the season premiere of the show LOST with him and now I'm HOOKED! I actually wouldn't have done it, but because I read Samantha's blog about it today, I decided to give it a shot and I'm so glad I did. Now I understand why it won best Drama series at the Emmy's! I was starting to get bummed that I couldn't find any shows that I liked. The new series Reunion also looks like it's gonna be good. I watched the premiere and really liked it!(comes on after the OC Thurs). It's full of scandal!


Sam said...

Isn't LOST awesome?? You and Rowdy should rent the first season, its incredible. It's like watching a movie.
That scene with Walt (the little boy) TOTALLY freaked me out!!!

Sally Y said...

I know it! I think I will rent it.