Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend of Sports

Well both of Rowdy's teams(Oakland A's-Florida State) were in Boston this weekend. He really wanted to go to the games, but Florida State/Boston College tickets were in the $300's for 1 ticket(which is INSANE!!!) and the baseball tickets were sold out, not to mention just as expensive. I had to put my foot down. I also didn't feel comfortable rooting for another team other than the Boston teams in public since they take their sports really seriously (Rowdy got flipped off one day in the car because he was wearing his A's cap). Anyway...we stayed in and watched the games at home! I don't see us really going out much or getting anything accomplished on the weekends now that Football started.... YAY... FUN FOR ME! Yes, I'm being sarcastic!!!!


Hollie Soto said...

Tell me about it. I love football too; but COME ON!! Pete does the exact same now that it is the season again. I feel for ya girl.

Sally Y said...

thanks hollie...I need all the support i can get! :)

Hollie Soto said...

I'll give you support. Here's a case of wine!!!!