Friday, March 24, 2006

Ski Trip

Rowdy's comin' down the mountn' yes, he's comin' down the mountn' he comes!

Our first run down the slopes together(beginners, of course)!

After surviving my first run! I came down the middle one! YIKES!

Rowdy and his office got a choice to either work or take a day ski trip to Sunapee Ski Resort in New Hampshire. I guess you can figure out what he chose!! It was the first time I've ever been skiing(Rowdy had been only once, years ago) and We LOVED IT! ( I'm really trying not to remind myself that we lived near the Rockies for over 4 years and NEVER went skiing once!) Anyway, I'm proud to say that my very first trip down the slopes was the blue level(Not for beginners, that's for sure!!!!!) It was an accident, but I made it down with only a few spills. Sam, a guy Rowdy works with, was kind enough to guide me through the nightmare trail. By the end of the day, Rowdy and I were skiing like pros, but on the green level(for beginners) of course, and I actually made it down once without falling!!!! YAAAAY! That was my goal for the day and I didn't even have to take lessons or use the kiddy trail!!! We had a WONDERFUL time and I just love Rowdy's co-workers. They're all so fun!

So, yes, we are officially taking up skiing! We bought everything we need and can't wait till next ski season! Colorado here we come!

And by the way, this doesn't mean that I now love the cold and snow, it just means, I love skiing and that's the ONLY time I want to put up with it!


ME said...

Sally- that's too funny! You look like a regular ski bum in your ski fashions. I recall that you had no interest in heading to the Rocky Mtns....I just have to say "HA!" that you did live here for 4 years and have just now fallen in love with the sport. Glad to see you liked it!

Sally Y said...

I know you told me so! I can admit when I'm wrong! Can't wait to ski in Colorado!

ME said...

Ya, only three weeks left! Better get out here before your job weighs ya down! :)

Sally Y said...

First things first TONY! Snowboarding looked harder!

Sally Y said...

It's about time you joined us again in the bloggin world, TONY! Where the heck have you been?

Let's do a trip, but I am comin to LA asa I can!

Get your blogger set up already would ya or just continue with the one you started last year! ;)

Sally Y said...

Then why in the hell were you in such a hurry to get out of working in Cheyenne!? ;)