Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Animal Kingdom - Sat

The Tree of Life
Joe, the goat! He was really funny!
It's a Bugs Life

Festival of the Lion King

the Gorilla, doing Yoga!


The Jungle Safari

Animal Kingdom was a lot of fun. We walked around looking at all the animals, took a safari ride and even went to the petting zoo. Susan and I then left the boys to catch the Festival of the Lion King Show while they went to a 3D showing of It's a Bugs Life. It was a pretty relaxing day.
That night, we went to a Japanese Steakhouse for some din din and then watched a movie. We were pooped!


ME said...

Gorilla Yoga- they are probably better than me at it too! HA!

The goat cracks me up!

I liked El Cap's comment about it being "cool" that Rowdy was at Disney land but its all coming together seeing him with the Mickey ice cream stick- that's funny! He's a big kid at heart and you can't deny that!

Now just get him to sign on the dotted line for the upcoming cruise and you'll never stop smiling ever again!!!!

BTW- I sent you something in the mail yesterday and after seeing how many pictures you have I think you will be able to enjoy it!

Sally Y said...

HAA HAA! I'm gonna work on it!