Saturday, January 14, 2006

Friday 13th Night Out!

Ken, Lisa and friend

Debbie and I outside Sauce

Carrie's boyfriend, Carrie, Debbie, me and strange man(?)

Well, I decided to venture out to Davis Square last night to meet my friend Debbie, who flew in from Dallas. She was suppose to get to Boston at 10 or so, but missed her first flight and finally caught the last flight out at 8:30, which should have landed her here at 11:45. Well, her friend Emily called to see if I wanted to meet them out anyway, so I went(Rowdy was too tired). I first got screwed by the cab driver. He took me all the way around town to get to Davis, when it was actually a couple streets over from where I live. It really sucks when you know you're getting screwed, but there's nothing you can do about it. I payed $8 more than I should of. OH WELL! Went to a lounge called Sauce, where I met up with Liam, Emily and Liam's friend Ken. Then a few other people showed up. Emily left to pick up Debbie from the airport but Debbie didn't make it to the bar until after it closed (sick and tired), so we chatted outside for awhile and took a cab home. It turned out to be a really fun night(for me anyway, sorry Deb). I only had 1 full glass of wine and a beer. That's IT! Still doing well on Resolution 10!!!!! Other than a few minor set backs, hopefully my Friday the 13th curse is broken.


Keelee said...

I want to be in Davis Square

Sally Y said...

HAA HAA! Well get your ass up here then!